Clinical studies showed that, on average, it took 21 minutes for QR Cream to start relieving pain in the ankle joint.  People who used the cream for ankle arthritis averaged 46% pain relief 21 minutes after applying the cream. This relief lasted on average 4 ½ hours.  This is better than the 36% relief people get from narcotics, the 23% from anti-inflammatory medications like Advil or Voltaren and 13% from Tylenol (acetaminophen)


The ligaments which surround and stabilize your ankle joint are full of nerves that tell your brain in what position the joint is. When these nerves are overstretched, because the ligaments they are in are overstretched, they send pain signals to your brain which is why ankle sprains hurt so much.  The best way to deal with the pain is to apply QR Cream. Because the ligaments are close to the skin, the mannitol in QR Cream can reach and calm the irritated nerves and stop their pain signal from reaching your brain. Wear an ankle brace to prevent the weakened ligaments from a sprain or tear from getting overstretched.

One leg is shorter than the other: you land harder on the shorter side, which shocks your hip more. If you must shorten one of your pant legs or, when you are lying flat, one of your ankle bones is higher than the other, you have a shorter leg. A heel lift under the shorter leg is helpful (you can make one at home by piling up some folded Kleenex tissues under your heel or, covered with duct tape, under the heel of your shoe or ask a cobbler for a heel lift. Your pelvis is not straight, because your hip joint joins your thigh bone to your pelvis. You will have pain in your groin when you lift your leg or the side of your hip hurts when you are sleeping on it as well as low back pain. To straighten out your pelvis, click on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7w7OcLU290. Inflammatory conditions (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout) can also cause hip arthritis. If there is not too much distance between your skin and your hip joint, QR cream can help you get relief. The same receptor in the membrane of pain nerves that opens-up to start the pain signal going up the nerve to the brain also releases chemicals that produce inflammation when it is open. The mannitol in QR cream shuts down this receptor: it stops the pain signal and reduces inflammation.